Restless Atlantic Crossing - 13
Restless of Auckland
Roland and Consie Lennox-King
Sun 3 Jun 2007 00:24
Hello from Restless!
We are currently at 47:57N and 16:18W and have
about 10-15 knots of breeze and between 5 and 6 knots of boat
Well we have had a testing last few days and
nights. Pretty much since leaving the Azores it has been blowing between 25-35
knots and the last 2 days have been no different except maybe a little stronger
winds and a little bigger seas. Last night we had up to 40 knots before our wind
gear decided to take a holiday and then it was down to guessing the wind speed
for the night. Although we had only about a quarter of the main out and about
half the staysail we still managed 9-10 knots of boat speed down some pretty
hairy waves, so last night wasn't at
all comfortable but was a lot of fun as we cowered in the cabin
as waves broadsided the boat and we skidded all over the place down 10-12
foot waves! We also learnt that Gilbert's leaky cabin problem had returned only
this time it was more like a waterfall rather than a leak. You'd hear a
huge thud and the boat would shudder as the waves pounded into the side. Then
the wall of water would plaster the entire boat as if we'd just had a helicopter
with a monsoon bucket just tip a load of water on us! Then Gilberts
cabin would shower with water as the boat sped off down the wave towards the
next wall of water!
Very fun night though and although we
were going faster and in bigger seas than the first gale we had just out of
Bermuda it felt a lot more stable and we (probably only
me) didn't feel as though we were going to roll every time a wave hit
So that's the most drama we've had in a while and
to our amazement we woke up this morning to 10 knots, blue sky and only slightly
lumpy seas, so we've had a beautiful day of sailing, drying and repairing
things today. Some even braved a quick (and I mean quick) swim but the smarter
of us decided to stay dry and dirty!
Moni, the wind vane performed beautifully last
night and has been working a charm for the last few days. Come to think of it however we have had
problems with the wind gauges and the centreboard was playing up again. Managed
to resolve the centreboard problem, by taking the faulty switch out of the
system (to be replaced in Ireland) and we've dried the gauges out but no success
for them so far!
No dolphins in a few days however we had a
small whale pay a visit last night at the exact time the 40 knot squall hit
us (we think it was trying to warn us). It
sort of looked like a dolphin but was a little bit smaller than an orca so we think a pilot
whale or something, although we're not whale experts.
Also no fish as yet however this morning is the
first time we've had the lines out since leaving the Azores so fingers are
crossed for something. (other than tuna the guys are saying but I'm not fussy)
Although we have caught a piper and a squid. Actually we found them on the deck
so we can't really claim them but
decided not to have calamari and instead had a photo with the catch and then
released them as a gift to the fish gods for something bigger!
Well that's about enough from me, it's actually my
watch at the moment so I should probably be tending to the sails or something.
Maybe I'll go whisper sweet things to Moni so she's good tonight. You have
to keep her happy otherwise she throws a tantee we've figured!
Anyway, we're all good, eating well, still getting
along and looking forward to Ireland,
not far now. 383 miles to be
exact! - to the buoy off Cork
On present course I
think we'll make Cork by Tuesday, unless it comes in hard from the NE, then it
may still be Falmouth, but I know all the crew want to see
Keep the emails coming!
Love from the crew of