Restless in Falmouth, at 50.09n and 5.03w

Restless of Auckland
Roland and Consie Lennox-King
Sun 17 Jun 2007 11:27
From Oliver, 13.6: "I phoned Herb (the weather
man) today to thank him. I asked about the lost boat. (Flying Colours
It was lost with all hands (four).The EPIRB went off for a few minutes then died.They think the boat surfed turtled mast broke cabin top ripped off and they went to the bottom. I don't know any more about size of boat etc He says its been a strange year of zig zagging around gales and no wind the rest of the time." Thank God Restless made it safely across the Atlantic. You
just can never take anything for granted.
The trip from Hampton to Bermuda took 115 hours for 705 miles, then 22 days
and 3 hours or 531 hours from Bermuda to Ireland, and 3184 nautical
miles, so the Atlantic crossing took a total of 646 hours of sailing for
3,889 miles, an average of 6.02 kts. Thanks to all the crew who joined in this
adventure, and we hope that those who didn't sail enjoyed it vicariously through
the reports. Where are we now? We left Crosshaven, Ireland early
on the 14th June and arrived in Falmouth at 50.09n and 5.03w on 16 June
very early in the morning, after some hours of squally weather followed
by motoring into a slight breeze. We caught the tide into Land's
End and then fought the next tide past the Lizard and into Falmouth.
We spent a lovely day with uncle Jack, auntie Betty,
cousin Liz and her daughters Tamzin and Zoe, with lunch at the Royal Cornwall
Yacht Club, a look round the chandlers and then dinner at Liz's farmhouse
amongst cats, dogs, horses, geese, ducks and hens.
We will be leaving for Lymington and Cowes in the next
couple of days, for the Etchell World Championships in Cowes, and then around 1
July head north to Scotland.