
Sun 20 Apr 2014 10:01
April 19th 2014 14:58:2 S 147:38:2 W Sorry for lack of blogging - made a great escape off the boat in Tahiti….fresh towels and long showers, completed a dive course and got our PADI's. It was pretty amazing in warm water, clear as glass and loads to see. Then Sophie arrived and we all flew from Tahiti to join Hebe in Rangiroa in the Tuamoto Islands. Harry, Imo, Ali and Olly had sailed Hebe from the Marqueses to an atoll called Ahi and then Rangiroa and evidently had a whale of a time. (They should have done with 120 cans of beer plus various bottles of rum on board - Ed). Sophie on the dock in Rangiroa - the light and the colours are incredible. Les Jeunes have had a ball with fires on the beach, diving at sunset and Harry found the perfect wave. Blue Lagoon on Rangiroa, the most perfect South Sea Island. Sophie said she had trouble processing in her brain because the place was so unbelievable. We went on a small tour boat for the day. We were fed coconut bread cooked on a fire of coconut husks and serenaded on the ukulele actually shortly after this shot a coconut fell down just behind the hat maker ….. Blue Lagoon is renowned for sharks, the tour boats feed them , we fed the young ones in the shallows and later snorkelled surrounded by about 30 black tipped reef sharks and lurking below two huge lemon sharks. They didn't bother us just cruised around, once we were all safely back on board they started feeding them and they turned into a flashing, splashing crazy frenzy…eeeeks. Andrew's birthday and Harry and Imo gave us a dive on the reef, Sophie joined us. The dive took us along the entrance to the lagoon where the current attracts hundreds of fish, the occasional shark….but evidently they don't eat divers because the thing on your back makes them fart. |