Day11 4.12.13

Thu 5 Dec 2013 15:02

Everyone on board is getting into high spirits as we're heading straight for St Lucia with the wind up the chuff and have had hours of fun flying the spinnaker and whizzing along the waves, which are still coming broadside ,giving us a real corkscrew motion. So life on board, the bananas have been sulking the entire time as they aren't allowed down in the boat with the other fruit and have refused to ripen at all, stubbornly remaining green and hard.  The pears misbehaved atrociously going bleeeeer the moment we started sailing. The mangoes have been divine we ate the last 2 today.  In my search for some escapee tea towels I peered into the washing machine and was delighted to find 2 melons I had quite forgotten we'd stowed there.  The avocados live in the microwave, so good use of kitchen machines. We have a Spanish ham which Peter carves expertly with the sabre knife ( I am forbidden to go near), 
After Sarah having the accidents the first week, Peter is having his turn, today he was quietly washing up in the galley when a knife flew off the cockpit table straight through the galley window and hit him on the head shortly followed by the mayonnaise. Mealtimes are somewhat chaotic. 
Watermaker still working luckily as H Boss hit a tap by mistake and we had a flood, still the heads are now super clean. 
Each day we label our water bottles with nick names ….Andrew was Naked chef Roo today. 


Sarah's more artistic Sound of Music theme.
Signing off and turning in for what looks like being a roly poly night.Janie xxx

hebe {CHANGE TO AT} mailasail {DOT} com  
+44 (0) 447702490543