Off we go AGAIN !
Fri 10 Jan 2014 20:18
Hebe has been fussing as usual she's had so much attention spent on her looks with a polished hull gleaming but 2 days ago she decided to crash her satellite communication system. The iridium dome is kerput, this means we will be off air until Panama when a new dome is being Fedexed out luckily for free as its under warranty phew. Andrew has been spitting tacks as you can imagine. So the blog of our first sail across the caribbean sea onto the San Blas islands then over to Panama will all be sent at once after 21st Jan when we should arrive. I am told the Caribbean is the roughest part of the whole circumnavigation eeeeks big waves and big winds, hopefully Hebe will enjoy it with her new fancy sails and we'll all have a safe passage. James Woods, our only extra crew, has been proving very handy around the boat although he claims not to be able to cook we are all looking forward to his culinary offerings.
Our Iridium !
The ARC organisers have been fantastic getting all the boat crews together for fun social events mostly involving plenty of rum, we've made lots of new friends of all nationalities. The local St Lucians are lovely people they've had a dreadful time only beginning to recover from the hurricane in 2010 and now on Christmas Eve their island was flooded out, 3 villages and 80% of their crops washed away. In spite of all this they are all really friendly, helpful and happy.
This is us on the zip wiring ….note compulsory hairnets to avoid contaminating the helmets with lice…. Also the attractive boob and jock straps !
So here's the crew of Hebe signing off