Day 3 There she blows

Tue 14 Jan 2014 01:45
Hebe is on terrific form loving her new skirt, the Parasailor that we brought out from England in our luggage, thanks to Captain Tim. The sail is like a parachute with a big envelope in the front to let excess air out, this means you don't have to be trimming all the time. Rigging it up is seriously complicated and has a very high faff factor, but once up and we're heading dead downwind she's fantastic and we manage about 8-12 knots. WE think we're ahead of the fleet, well what can you expect with these two young racers on board who have speed in their veins. Still eating the tuna, stir fry last night, James showing his new found culinary skills….stirring. Then today in sandwiches, delicious. I am relieved to say the journey so far has been very comfortable, I was dreading a rough passage, the seas so far have been steady and we've been whooshing down the surf.
Harry uses his power drill for some extraordinary tasks like grinding the pepper mill and today he attached it to the winch to speed up lowering the sock over the sail. It worked really well.
Crew admiring the successful hoist.
Looking up Hebe's new skirt.