Thunder and lightening, and the pitti /patter of rain

Sowell Family's Travels on Gijima
Skipper: Tim Sowell Admiral Tracy Crew Sean & Alex
Mon 26 Jul 2010 03:36
As I write this it is evening, the great white cotton billowing clouds have
been building all afternoon from the east coming over the volcano, and then
engulfing it, and these clouds rise up km into the sky. The air and humidity
builds and we all pile into the pool, and over the mainland we hear thunder,
and everyone comments have closed up our boats.
Well it tried but did not rain until about 8 pm, and with the flashing light
of lightening streaking across the sky, the wind cooled and banked to the
east, the rain started to come down. This is the real first rain in 6 days,
and people are looking forward to it, to cool the evening and freshen up the
air, plus many boats have sealed off their watermakers and have depended on
rain capture to fill their tanks.
As I sit in the cockpit the pitter / patter of rain on the canvas is a
comforting sound, taking me back to the tin roof of the Lilli Pilli house
(where Mum lives today).
My little dam of plaster sine is diverting the water off the toe rail into
the day water tank nicely, and with the forward cover on we are getting
quite a lot. The other nice thing is the leaks we had in the forward cabin
for years, which Gary and I worked on when we first came to El Salvador seem
to be working as we survived no water for 3 months, and now we seeing
nothing, this is nice feeling as this leak was one that really got to me for
years and I could not find it as it ran in the false ceiling.
I also worked on the watermaker today, and found issues with the Raw Water
strainer installation and pipes which worked fine in clean water but not in
wooded water, so I took this out and reinstalled and the system seems to
work well. We had twigs getting stuck, and then in cleaning the filter we
did not get a proper seal which let air in (not a good thing).
Tracy talked with Bill (from Mitta Kullu, another cruising boat) about
starting up guitar lessons, (as he plays well, spending the summer playing
the La Cruz, PV music Jazz scene), and Tracy needs and wants to get back
into it, and using the time here for this is a constructive thing. So guitar
and also the exercise class (run by one of the ladies Sharron from an
another boat SunSession), starts to set up her time away from the boys.
Tonight was Pizza night with actually nice pizzas made in the kitchen, and
the boys enjoy it, we had then delivered to the boat a nice luxury.
We have 3 other boats over for dinner tomorrow will do fish so have to buy
some in the morning.

Stay tuned.