Explored the Island and the local School

Sowell Family's Travels on Gijima
Skipper: Tim Sowell Admiral Tracy Crew Sean & Alex
Thu 15 Apr 2010 03:09
We got up to a gentle breeze over the outgoing tide, after our home
schooling we picked up Sarah from a another boat and went to the island
opposite us, this is an isolated island with about 300 inhabitants with no
power, or utilities. We pulled into aa beach outside (mud landing due to
tide) a cruiser's home (Jane) who came here 9 years ago on her 75 foot boat,
and has not left, she now owns land on the island, and does english teaching
at the school and her home. She invited us to take the kids over and tour
the island and look at the school, with the idea of maybe having Sean go
there a couple of times. (It would be good for him to interact and learn
Spanish). Initially we explored Jane's land finding many fruits and a huge
amount of wild mangos which we loved so fresh and natural, we now have lots
on the boat. You will see the photos of cashews (the red fruit) and mangos
all over the ground, lemons(huge), bananas etc.
We then walked along the beach to the village (if you can all it that) a tin
church, and a tin store, but the school is brick built by cruisers over the
last few seasons, and found school in session just before lunch. All the
kids in uniform and two classes running kindergarten and primary. Most of
facilities have been donated and Jane attends an hour to teach English,
volunteering and the kids love her. Sean entered the class and starting to
play with some of the games, and joined a local boy playing, both were
counting in Spanish. Then we were outside for football sort of they need a
new soccer ball, which we will donate one of ours next time we go over with
some toys the boys have out grown. It will be good for Sean to meet and
interact and play soccer with the kids, maybe Tracy will do some classes of
But it is nice to see cruisers giving back to the community, and then the
community really appreciating it and valuing it. We all felt good walking
about, people were interested and loved the kids, they mainly fishing
We then travelled back with all those mangos Alex is now addicted to
mangoes, and dived in the pool as the heat had come up.

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