
Chiscos - Atlantic Cruise
John Simpson
Mon 22 Aug 2011 17:34
We stayed two nights in the anchorage at Combarro and,
although the anchor didn't drag again, we only ventured ashore to buy some
bread. We spent a couple of lovely warm, sunny days just reading and
playing music. John has been perfecting his kazoo technique!
![]() As darkness fell the local people came out in their droves to
fish - what with them and the seagulls constantly diving, you wouldn't want to
be a fish in Combarro! We were amused by the sight of these people fishing
in the darkness, all carefully spaced along the quayside as if they had
territory marked out.
![]() After Combarro we spent another night at anchor off a beach at
the entrance of the Ria de Vigo. It was a beautiful spot. From
the boat we could see miles of perfect white sand fringed with pine forest and
we went ashore and sat on the beach for a couple of hours. The Spanish
approach to beach activity is to set up camp under a beach umbrella (not a
windbreak in sight!) and then parade up and down the water's edge for
hours. We watched the same people come past time and time again - all
talking at high speed. Once again the weather was completely
unpredictable. Whilst we were anchored off the beach we had wind from all
directions and varying in strength from none to 20 knots. As we left to
come to Baiona yesterday, the wind was starting to make the anchorage quite
uncomfortable and the skies began to darken.
We are now in the marina belonging to the Monte Real Yacht
Club in Baiona. It has a dramatic location just under the walls of the
![]() From my seat in the cockpit of Chiscos I have a view of the
whole bay and can see no fewer than 8 separate sandy beaches. Baiona has
many attractive old buildings and appears to be a holiday destination as
well as a fairly prosperous town. Not many Yacht Clubs have doorways like
![]() Shortly after we arrived yesterday, it began to thunder and we
then had the most amazing storm lasting several hours. The lightning lit
up the bay in bright blue flashes all evening. The rain was so hard that
we didn't venture far and enjoyed a good meal in the Yacht Club restaurant,
which has a colonial-style feel to it. Here it is in the daylight; the sky
has remained overcast all day and we understand from listening to the radio
today that it is warmer in the UK than it is here!
![]() Tomorrow (Tuesday) I fly back to the UK for a couple of days
to help Alex get off on her placement year abroad - in Spain! I'm then
back to Baiona on Thursday for a few more days with John and we're hoping to do
some exploration inland by bus/train, perhaps to Santiago di Compostella.
New crew members arrive in Baiona for the next leg of the journey on 30th and
31st August.
Email us on chiscos {CHANGE TO AT} mailasail {DOT} com