Portugal to Madeira

Chiscos - Atlantic Cruise
John Simpson
Fri 13 May 2005 19:19
As we left Cascais, I made a throw away comment to a chap on the pontoon -  'oh yes, we're just going to Madeira'. I can now confirm this is a heck of a long way!! So far we have logged just over 200 miles and we're not even half way yet. It is also a very quite bit of sea - there is only Regis, me and Chiscos sur la mer (no trouble with the lingo now!!). Today we have seen 2 war ships and a sailing yacht in the far far distance - and nothing else - at all.
The weather has been ok. North Westerlies 3-4 have been the order of the day and have sailed all day (sorry Rod!) - although the seas have been huge. We are not far from two submerged islands and wonder whether they have made for the rough seas.
If we can keep up this speed we should be in Madeira Monday morning (ish).