Over half way and a (minor) disaster!

Chiscos - Atlantic Cruise
John Simpson
Thu 1 Dec 2011 15:48
039:32.31w We crossed the half way point at 1740 Chiscos time (1840
UTC) twenty minutes before our 1800 dinner time. We were delighted to have got
this far (although as someone pointed out - we can't exactly go back from
It had been a blustery day, but we had enjoyed some fast
sailing. Julia had worked all afternoon to prepare our roast beef dinner ready
for the evening. We opened our champagne at 1740 and celebrated our half way
point. Julia then dished up the dinner. It was spectacular. She paused to take a
photograph of the finished article and in that split second, the boat lurched
and all four plates of food shot across the work surface and ended up, upside
down on the cabin sole!!!
It was such a shame after all the hard work and
preparation which had gone into the meal. We scraped it all up and ate it
anyway! It was excellent, though it had lost something in the presentation
following it's visit to the cabin sole. It's just a good the cabin sole was
Other than that disaster, we have not suffered too
badly! It was a challenging night with strong easterly winds and a very rocky
motion and big following seas. We seem to be doing well on the
leader board. We have a very good handicap, which means that our result may
be good - but we will still be towards the end of the fleet as the boats arrive
in St Lucia.
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