Check out at Port Blair

St Barbara's Web Diary
Peter & Sue Goldsmith
Mon 21 Jan 2008 06:26

11:41N 92:42E

Monday lunchtime and we are now back in the same spot for the reverse
procedure. Supposedly easier but we are about to find out.

We had a quiet afternoon at Havelock yesterday with Guido and Sam snorkeling
and Peter cleaning the heads! Ashore before sunset for our beer on the beach
and then dinner at the Italian. The beach at night is now quite beautiful
with a full moon making the beach bright white. No torches needed.

This morning was a very pleasant downwind sail under clear blue skies all
the way to the harbour anchorage. When we left here there was only one other
boat and now there are 7. One has been waiting to complete check in since
Friday so we were fortunate. Let's hope that check out is also pain free.