Day 15: STT -> Azores - Ponte Delgada - 25 kts wind

Blue Note
Marco M.
Sun 12 May 2013 16:43
Date: Sunday May 12 2013 - Time: 12:00 Blue Note Time - 10:00 EDT - 14:00 UTC
Position 30:53.6N 38:52.1W
COG 0T SOG 5.5kt, Wind 70T 25 kt, Barometer 1014.8 stable
Temperatures: Air 19.1C, Sea 15.4C
Last 24h Sailed Distance: 120 NM
Last 24h Decrease Distance on rhumb line: 98 NM
Sailed distance since departure: 1766 NM
Time since departure: 15d 1h 00m
Average Speed since departure: 4.89 kt
Average VMG since departure: 4.39 kt
Intention: sail to Ponte Delgada
Distance to End on rhumb line: 773 NM
ETA: Sunday May 19, 2013
Diesel consumption:
- 48 gallon left
- 58% diesel burned with 67% of passage done, ratio = 1.17
- 103 hours left motoring
- 410 range left on motoring
- Ratio of Distance_to_End/Range_on_Engine = 1.87

This morning the wind increased to 25 kts (true wind) and also shifted to the east so tack and are now sailing
with a second reef on the mainsail and a reefed jib on starboard tack.
The VMG is still not very good because the shift put the wind direction just few degrees south of the heading.

We "officially" set the heading for Ponte Delgada.
There is a possibility that we could make in time for May 21 flight. If instead, it turns out that we will have to change the May 21 flight then we
could stop in Horta.