Day 5 - Sustained wind of true 26 kt on a close hauled course

Blue Note
Marco M.
Wed 18 Nov 2015 17:21
Date: Wednesday 18/11/15 - Time: 12:00 EDT Position 29:17.935N 70:29.262W COG 155M SOG 5.8kt, Wind 60T 26 kt, Temperatures: Air 28 C, Sea 23.6 C Barometer: 1022.0 hPa Last 24h Sailed Distance: 159 Last 24h Decrease Distance on rhumb line: 157 NM Sailed distance since departure: 675.7 NM Time since departure: 4d 20h 10m Average Speed since departure: 5.66 kt Average VMG since departure: 5.44 kt Average VMG speed last 24h: 6.55 kt Intention: sail to St. Thomas Distance to End on rhumb line: 728 NM ETA: Tuesday May 24, 2015 @ 8:00 Detailed Track (50 is the maximum number of point, i.e. once the last point reaches 50, the last point always is 50): A rough going since last night. Wind steadily increased to 26 kt true wind on a close hauled course. Riccardo has a bit of "mal de mer". As for me I'll keep this report short and with no pictures. |