Melbourne Friday 17 February 2012

Mon 27 Feb 2012 01:46
Since the last blog we’ve been to Sydney and had a week of dogsitting and
wonderful beaches, north of Sydney in Avoca. (Big thank you to Ian,
Charity, Lily and Nate for the use of your house, and to Tiny the enormous great
dane for keeping us company). We’ve also had an early birthday party in
Sydney for me,( another big thank you to Rob and Heather for laying it on and
putting us up for several days) and went to the surf championships on Manly
beach. Now we’re back in Melbourne with Ben and Jen, have done
movies in the park, Shakespeare in the park, and plenty more running, cycling
and swimming, and I am doing my little volunteer job for Arthritis
Victoria a couple of times a week.
We are still trying to understand the indigenous race relations situation a
bit better, it is constantly in the news with the government seeming to bend
over backwards to improve the lot of indigenous people. I had an
interesting day at one of the Melbourne museums yesterday and had a long chat
with a very nice young aboriginal lady. She didn’t have any answers
either, but she said 2 things that surprised me. One was that although she
went to school in a Melbourne suburb, she feels like a foreigner in
Melbourne. The other was that her grandma did not know what a house was
when she first saw one. That made me think. We agreed to meet again
next week. |