Do or Die Wed evening 13/12/11
Mon 19 Dec 2011 05:06
18:12.5S 125:35.1E
The campsite in Fitzroy Crossing was almost empty, but for the first time,
all the fridge space in the camp kitchen was full. This was due to the ABC
film crew, making a show called Do or Die, a reality show featuring people from
a Perth company surviving under a tarp, on bush tucker, at some caves
nearby. They made room for our stuff in the fridge, lovely people, and
chatted to the production assistant, Linda, and the cook, Jo and her little
daughter and new found aboriginal friend who was staying the night. It was
a day for tellings off, Jo got one for putting her dog, who was feeling the
heat, under the sprinkler, which made us feel better.
It was nice in Fitzroy Crossing, life seemed more normal, the indigenous
people we met seemed communicative and smiley, just getting on with their lives,
whereas in Broome their was a strong air of separation and resentment.
This is, of course, a very superficial view. What is clear is that this
part of Australia is a world away from Sydney and Melbourne, you could be on a
continent |