Snowy Mountains, Thredbo 15/1/12

Sun 29 Jan 2012 06:00
36:23S 148:36E
Mt Kosiusko 2229m
We had a great time in Sydney with Heather and Rob (thank you for having
us!) then set off for Melbourne, via Canberra and the Snowies. We spent a
night in Thredbo where there was a blues festival going on but we didn’t manage
to get into it, hey ho. The mountains look fantastic. The 2003
bushfire decimated acres of trees, and now the slopes look as though they have
had a crewcut with spiky dead white trunks still standing and a fuzz of thick
green undergrowth. The drive to Melbourne is pretty long from here but
fascinating, with switchback roads, walking tracks, historic rail bridges and
the imposing Murray power stations and Lake
Hume. |