Melbourne before The Wedding
Mon 14 Nov 2011 10:40
Sandy lived
in Melbourne in 1968, so didn’t really feel like a tourist. I visited
Melbourne very briefly in 1984 when we lived in Australia with the girls, but
this time I saw much more of it. I loved Melbourne, it has the feel of a
nice European city, not at all like Sydney which feels quintessentially
Australian. I loved walking into town from Jen and Ben’s house (about an
hour’s walk) and met Jen from her office a few times for coffee, shopping, girl
stuff and just walking home together.
Jenny and
Ben have loads of mates in Sydney, new and old, and Jen’s hen party packed a
Melbourne tram for a supper tour of the city. It was a horrible wet
evening but nobody cared. No-one was interested in the sights
anyway. Far more appealing were the cocktails, the 4 course dinner and to
round it off, the condom cake supplied by Ben’s Aunty Gaye. We finished
off the evening with a visit to the casino, a glitzy but uninspiring cavern of a
place, surprisingly like the one in Southampton, full of dreary looking people
on poker machines and drunks who wanted to talk to us.
Sandy and I
came and went, doing little recce trips up and down the coast and into the
bush. Things hotted up as friends started flying in from the far flung
corners of the earth, and 59 Pridham Street got very busy. Robyn arrived,
did some Melbourne touristy stuff with us and spent a couple of nights in
a Melbourne backpackers on her own. I don’t think she was on her own for
long, she came back very tired and hung over.
Then on
Friday November 4th, we packed up the car and headed for the wedding venue,
Balgownie Winery in the Yarra Valley, leaving Ben and a few trusted friends to
have a quiet (?) final evening in Melbourne before the big day.