coffee bosnian style
Tue 2 Aug 2011 17:27
Needs coffee picture
While in Sarajevo we stayed in a cold, wet campsite with a nice restaurant
that was perpetually empty. We thought we would give them some custom and
went in to order 2 beers, and were told there was no alcohol. We asked if
they would mind if we drank our own, and they said yes, that would be a
problem. The owner had decided on a no booze policy following
fights! But he served us lovely coffee bosnian style and went to great
pains to explain how we should make it, and drink it:
To make the coffee, you boil the water, put the coffee in the copper jug,
pour on the boiling water, and put the jug on a VERY gently heat till the coffee
froths up, you get a black froth on the top. Then you leave it to stand
and pour. You have to leave Bosnian (and Turkish and Greek) coffee to
stand because it is so muddy. You are supposed to eat the lokum (turkish
delight or bosnian alternative) after the coffee. I like it first.
Bosnian lokum is in my opinion not so nice as Turkish, it is not so
rose-flavoured. |