Burning Mountain 11 Jan
Wed 25 Jan 2012 11:13
Burning Mountain
We passed the Burning Mountain on the way from Tamworth to Sydney and
stopped for a walk. Burning Mountain is a huge underground coal seam
that’s been burning spontaneously for thousands of years. It was first
seen by a European in 1829, and identified as an active volcano. Then some
geologists came along and said it was a coal seam.
It was a fascinating walk to the top. You start off in ordinary mixed
eucalypt woodland, then the ground starts to have gashes and dips where there’s
brick-coloured and white ashy areas and very few trees except stringybark, and
no undergrowth. This is where the coal seam has recently burned below
ground, and the stringybark is the first to recolonise the area.
At the top,it smells like a school chemistry lab and looks like a lava
field, hot ash, vents, and no plants. Here the fire is active, hot gases
vent to the surface and as it cools, tiny particles of sinter solidify, leaving
the surface encrusted with red ochre (iron oxide) and white alum. Eagles
circle in the thermals above.
The active area creeps southwards at a metre a year, to be gradually
recolonised by the forest behind it. You can clearly see different stages
in the succession. The aborigines had a dreamtime story to explain the
burning mountain, and for centuries they used the red ochre as a paint, and the
alum as a white paint and a
medicine. |