Tribute to Ron

Blue Beyond , The adventure begins.
Mark and Maxine Frost
Thu 30 Apr 2009 16:12
this is a tribute to our good friend Ron who is now sailing to sweet islands with calm seas , our thoughts are with all his family and to Joy ...
Well we are now back in the Caribbean after our month long return to the UK . We managed to see all the family and spend time with them and nearly managed to see all our friends , It was a bit overwhelming being back , everything is so fast and furious and demanding , we now need to wind down to Island time......
We flew from Gatwick and as we were putting our bags on for check-in we were told there was a problem .. we had no return flight booked ! we explained we had flown in and then were going back but a raised eyebrow indicated we might have a problem! a supervisor was summond and she explained we couldn't leave as we had no returned flight booked ... we explained about the boat at the other end and she demanded all our boat documents and imigration details from st Lucia , luckily they were all in my little file , she stomped off and we were left to wonder , anyone can gain access to our country and yet as british citizens we were now in a situation where we might not be able to leave how bizarre is that?
The supervisor stomped back and thrust our papers back at us and said we could proceed and she was " Only doing my job!" 
so we loaded the last of our bags on the ramp breathing a sigh of relief but then the attendant pointed to our backpack and said no and called back the supervisor ... apparently a 'camoflage' backpack could contstrue us as terrorist and we would not be able to get access into st Lucia ......Mark at this point was about to explode , .. it would have to be consfiscated ..... we promised to pack it out of sight inside my other bag and they seemed to think this would stop us being terrorist and they agreed , the supervisor stomped off . so , last bag to go through was a holdall with a hiking stick tied to it ... oh no that couln't go through as it was we would have to take it through as hand luggage .. but.. Mark asked couldn't this be used as a weapon as it extended to nearly 5 ft ? no this was perfectly acceptable .. we were now losing the will to live , but we wanted to get on the plane , who would have thought leaving would be so stressful?
The boat was all clean and sparkly on our return , the batteries were still full and there was no damp on board and we were very please to be back , after a good meal and a good night sleep we left the Marina and without any trouble anchored 1st time out in the bay , we are desparate to head south but there is the St Lucia Jazz festival next week with some huge names , Amy Whinehouse for one so we are tempted to stay and enjoy the festival , ah well we are on island time now and that can be a decesion for another day............

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