FW: hot!hot!hot!

Blue Beyond , The adventure begins.
Mark and Maxine Frost
Mon 14 Jul 2008 16:43
Subject: hot!hot!hot! Date: Mon, 14 Jul 2008 16:33:57 +0000 Today being a monday is a work day ! Anja and I cleaned the boat and polished thoroughly and Mark was on outside duty , we left mid morning on the search for gas, not that easy with the gas bottles we have, they only seem to have small camping bottles , our american friends on 'full tilt ' have managed to drill out the top and fill gas from one to another , but we are scaredycats! and might blow up the whole marina . we wandered into town with some vague directions to the gas shop with me pulling my shopping trolly with a gas bottle inside when just as we crossed at a crossing Mark shouts and desparately tries to get the bottle from the bag , Anja and I nearly ran for our lives thinking the bottle was about to blow up , but no, the van that had stopped to let us cross was a gas truck loaded with gas bottles , so Mark got more directions while they brought the whole of the traffic system to a halt! any way we ended up no better off with having to buy the small camping bottles , hey ho!,but with no wind today the temperature has shot up so we had no option but to retreat to the beach , Mark was relaxing reading his book whenhe glanced up to find a cat sat by his foot looking at him , why do they always make a beeline for him when he hates them so much and who has ever seen a cat on a beach ?Anja and I gave him a drink of water and he laid under the dinghy in wait for Mark for when we were ready to leave , but is has been a lovely day . Get fish-slapping on Messenger! Play Now Find out how to make Messenger your very own TV! Try it Now! |