portomao and back

Blue Beyond , The adventure begins.
Mark and Maxine Frost
Mon 21 Jul 2008 14:01
Well we have had such fun we made oour way on Thursday to Portomao , which is only a couple of hours down the coast , it was lovely to be on the water again, after safely maiking it into the harbour we had some drinks and nibbles on baosrd and were joined by china blue , arwen and mariah , had a good night , the next day there was no wind but we headed off out to sea with 20 other yachts in the regatta for a 'race ' believe it or not even as we were only all doing 1-2 knots another yacht managed to collide wth us , we had an anxious wait getting back to our berth to see what the damage was but luckilly we only had a little scratch , we all went off to the beach bar ( very plush with huge linen sofas and bean bags), then we had a call fro Ross and Nic to say they had arrived , had a late supper and caught up on all their news . Saturday we headed out to race again and this was a longer race down the coast , the weather was quite cool and cloudy which was a bit of a shock, but in the end the wind died and we did the honorable thing and put the engine on , we went out in the evening for a chinese meal and had another good day. Final race day , this time we were determined to do well even though we are very heavy, but alas we were last , we never realised how tiring all this racing lark is !!, the final evening back to the beach bar for live music a buffet and free drinks all courtesy of Bluewater who orgainised it all , we really have had a great time . Win £3000 to spend on whatever you want at Uni! Click here to WIN! |