Final days in Madeira!

Blue Beyond , The adventure begins.
Mark and Maxine Frost
Sun 28 Sep 2008 16:08
we returned to Madeira after a hectic couple of weeks in the uk , we had quite forgotten just how stressfull life can be ! we had planned to have a couple of days preparing the boat for sea but we had such a welcome back ! a party was held in our honour on the boat next door and we had such a fun night , but the weekend was a special event in the area with a lovely festival of the sea , the whole town of Canical gets geared up for a weekend of festivities and that was one thing we were not going to miss ! the highlight of the weekend was in the harbour , all the large trawlers were decorated with palm leaves and bunting and then everyone was invited on board to take the short trip around the point to collect the madonna which arrived on the beach in another procession with flowers over the road and everyone holding candles, we and about 1000 other people scrambled on to the boats and I mean scramble , I jumped onto the trawler across a large gap and landed on top of the liftraft! no such thing as health and safety here , which meant for a great day and a lot of fun ,after the Madonna was collect everyone started to jump off the boats for a swim , there was no visible way of getting back on , but eventually they threw some ropes over the side and people hauled there way up , glad we didn;t go in ! after we arrived safely back in harbour our group headed off in search of toilets (desparate after 2 hours on a boat drinking beer and no loos!) and the food , the food was as before , just buy a couple of hot cooked chickens , a load of garlic bread and then half a ton of beef on the stick and head to the beach to eat cook and be happy .Well we had one last vent in the marina which was a final farewell party with all nour friends and Manuel and Monika who own the beach bar in the next cove were going to bring us a special meal called Fragaterra , more about that tomorrow !! ( soory about the gaps internet connection has been a nightmare) Try Facebook in Windows Live Messenger! Try it Now! |