Sweptover the side .presumed drowned!!!

Blue Beyond , The adventure begins.
Mark and Maxine Frost
Fri 12 Dec 2008 17:41
Santa Lucia our pet egret is now becoming very very tame , she has had enough of waltzing around the deck and would now very much like to sit in the cockpit with us or even go down into the saloon , in other words she is becoming a bit of a pest , anyway this morning we took a huge wave along the side of the boatand when I checked on Santa Lucia she was gone ....... I was so upset ... I was thinking about our man overboard proceedure ..could she be saved? at this point Mark appeared and asked " what the **** is the bird doing in our shower ? Hurrah she was saved , she had been swept into our open hatch and was now happily sitting in our shower , Robbie was dispatched to retrieve her and she was put back on deck and told to stay put ...
But , she had other ideas , she waited her opportunity and leapt down below and sat on the cooker , Mark saw nothing funny in this ( we all did ), we dispatched robbie again and she was told more firmly this time "stay put"
but... the waves were getting bigger the winds stronger and the squall were our worst yet and at 17:22 utc Santa Lucia really was swept over trhe side . and I was really upset , the boat is officially in mourning ( except probably Mark )
  Santa Lucia
We had more whales today and the strange thing is they seem to play like dolphins do , difficult to photograph though.
Robbie manage to get as close to the water as we would let himespecially in the vincinity of Killer whales , he is deparate for a swim bit the waves are 15ft high ...big...
 robbie having a paddle