All hands on deck!
Blue Beyond , The adventure begins.
Mark and Maxine Frost
Mon 24 Nov 2008 13:35
Well we had a very gracefull departure from the
Marina in Gran Canaria , to squeeze almost 240 boats out all in one piece was a
bit of excellent manovoring by all . We decided to stay away from the start line
to avoid colliding with anyone only to be rounded up by the port police ( again,
Blue Beyond had a reputation of egaging police attention!)and sent back towards
the fleet. We were all very excited and nervous as well , this is a big voyage
.By 2 pm and with the sails all nicely trimmed and the pole out my 4 boys tucked
into a hearty lunch of thick ham ,cheeseand salad sandwiches , I need them to
start eating as we have the whole of the Canarian export load of fruit and veg
on board , at the moment the smell of lemons and fruit is lovely but what
happens whenit starts to go mouldy? we'll have to cross that bridge when we come
to it !
our first night was calm with no mishaps and lovely
to see all the boats still around , all of the crew havw now caught up on their
sleep after all the partying of the last few weeks and we are looking forward to
getting into a routine , Ray is playng is saxaphone as I write
Just before the start!
This is Robbie about two hours into our ocean