Between the Pitons
Blue Beyond , The adventure begins.
Mark and Maxine Frost
Sat 28 Feb 2009 20:39
We had a very short trip to the Pitons , about
15mins , just around the headland really , we managed to get a mooring bouy and
settled down for a quiet day , Kathryn was feeling a little better so we went
ashore for a walk and a swim , the beach was a bit boulderlike but the men found
coconuts and opened them for us and we found shells . Gary went back into
Soufrierre to buy beer and Slud ( more of that later)and did a deal with a taxi
driver at a 1/3 rd of the coast of Phillip for the rainforest so that was booked
for the next day .
my brother the fisherman , he managed to catch himself
Gary opening cocnuts with Gross Piton behind him
Mark opening coconuts with Petit Piton behind him.
So Tomorrow the rainforest ....... only a short
walk we were informed ......