canada day

Blue Beyond , The adventure begins.
Mark and Maxine Frost
Thu 2 Jul 2009 18:36
Life is meandering quite nicely here , at last i managed to find a hairdresser who cut my hair as i wanted it not tried to make it into dreads or cornrows , so at least I have hair that I can sort of manage , feels good .
Although the bus system here is good , everything else takes so long , so a trip to the supermarket can be a hairaising 90mile an hour white knuckle ride , but you can wait the rest of the day to get served , but we are learning that this is island life.
to compensate we sit on deserted beaches eating watermelon and mangoes  and everybody you pass in the street, if we go for a walk, will say hello and more often that not will stop for a chat...
Our social life is great too , we are always on other boats for coffee or a sundowner or dinner and then reciprocate , so we have met many interesting people , to keep up with all the new and whats on we all listen at 7-30 am each morning to chanel 68 which is the cruisers net , this gives us the all important first weather forcast of the day and then goes on to say hello to all new boats who have arrrived on the island and give out information on activities , social events , news , and information about where to go for spares and boat jobs , it really is very good , and everyone in this boating world is up at 6-30 each day and all safely tucked up in bed by 9pm . including us ......except last night........
It was Canada day yesterday and everyone was invited to Clarks Court Bay marina for a talk on sea birds given by two english scientists in the area, and then happy hour and the burger night , and everyone was to wear red and white , well what fun.......needless to say even us brits got into the spirit of the thing and we were all a bit later to bed than is normal for a yottie
Book swap events are good too , we went to one in St geoges at the chandlers and it is a good way to meet other people and to swap our books and dvds over , the only problem was that we are now in the rainy season and it was a but thundery yesterday and the humidity shot up to 97% It was unbearably hot and wet , luckily today it has dropped to 58%  
well of to dinner on Caeletist tonight , best get ready .........

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