A swim and Fecamp.
Alan and Sarah Bennett
Mon 14 Aug 2017 17:09
49:45.7N 00:21.9E
Based on the latest GRIB update, at the 0200 watch change a decision was made that Fecamp would be the next port of call. The overnight E2-3 held until 0930, giving us a superb moonlit dawn as the miles counted down. A Full English recharged
any depleted batteries, and a further decision was made to enjoy a lunchtime swim at anchor under Point Fagnet's cliffs before we entered harbour. Lawrence swam for the shore as Simon and the skipper scrubbed the waterline: first time this has needed doing
since we left Poole.
After a lazy lunch we weighed anchor and eased into Fecamp. Many visiting sailing boats in, but hardly any are British. A foray ashore to book tonight's venue, a shower, a beer...cruising at its best!