Alan and Sarah Bennett
Wed 11 Jun 2014 10:44
Tuesday 10 June. Crew change over day at La Rochelle. As advertised, l’autobus conveyed us all to the airport for Bill and Jill to check-in in good time. The flight from Southampton was similarly punctual, and it was a delight to see Mr and Mrs Thomas Bennett descend the steps into bright sunshine. The faithful l’autobus did its bit again, and at a pow-wow over a late lunch we all agreed to slip immediately thereafter with the intent of making St Martin de Re before the lock gates closed at 1815.
With the wind NW4, the windward beat to the bridge and thence along the coast was a trifle more than the skipper would ideally have liked for the new crew’s initiation. But Hester ‘manned-up’ to the occasion superbly (phtots), revelling in the bright sunshine and warm breeze. A first slab in the main and four rolls in the genoa kept motion reasonable, and with the first of the ebb under us progress was good and kept morale high. We made our tidal gate with plenty of time to spare and were soon snugly alongside in St Martin de Re’s charming basin once more.
Pre-dinner drinks in the cockpit were accompanied by a Liar dice teach-in for the new crew (photos); then ashore for a delicious dinner, and back on board for a night-cap. ‘Detachment Fever’ was kept for another evening….