A fair wind at last...
Alan and Sarah Bennett
Wed 19 Jul 2017 15:21
57:23.4N 21:22.3E
After an excellent raid on a supermarket in Roomassaare and an al fresco meal in a local hostelry, we returned onboard for a wee dram before turning in, in anticipation of another early start.
Aquila was underway by 0620, with Sam executing a perfect pier head jump on return from the showers. The wind was very light, but west, with a forecast to strengthen and veer NW. Calm seas and bright sunshine made Sam's breakfast a total treat.
After a couple of hours motoring in a complete calm, the wind returned and allowed us to lay our SW course.
The day thereafter progressed in perfect conditions. An interesting time was had crossing the shipping routes between Estonia and Latvia: one freighter that steadfastly refused to obey the Rule of the Road was reported to the Latvian CG, who
were very attentive in their response.
We are now off Ventspils, broad reaching under full sail in bright sunshine with The Wall playing at volume. Sailing at its very best - and spag bol on the menu for supper. We aim to arrive at Liepaja in the early hours tomorrow morning.