Alan and Sarah Bennett
Mon 12 Jun 2017 17:18
58:08.4N 12:07.3E
Before sailing at 1125, the crew had a leisurely breakfast of croissant and coffee, before the girls led a brief shopping exped into the interior. Then it was out into the river, and turn right. Overcast and very windy it was. The first bridge
opened for us, after we explained on VHF that our mast was 19.5m, and the clearance noted with the bridge closed was only 18.3m. We hope the trams and traffic enjoyed the brief delay (Phot).
The next bridge was broken - the skipper's worst nightmare. But 20 minutes later the technicians had done their stuff, and on we went. One lock, 4 opening bridges and 29 miles later, we found a berth by 1830, and are enjoying a glass before
foraying ashore.