A day L'Aberwrach
Alan and Sarah Bennett
Tue 24 May 2016 12:20
24 May. L’Aber Wrac’h. What a delightful spot this continues to be. Much jollity in the marina as classes of children went off for their sailing lessons. No doubt future Olympic champions in the making.
Shifted berth to one more sheltered and planned the day. In order to facilitate blog writing and met downloads (the skipper worships at the altar of GRIB), lessons in computer teach-yourself-file-transfer met (all puns intended!) with eventual success. It’s easy when you have worked how to do it and found out that a Samsung 2 has not got NFC and hence that NFC did in this case mean the rude acronym translation! Business calls and job interviews undertaken by the half the crew still in gainful employ. And for this evening…we have a cunning plan….