Alan and Sarah Bennett
Tue 1 Jul 2014 16:18
Monday 30 June. We ‘enjoyed’ 2 nights at L’Herbaudière – it was distinctly wet! In fact it poured all day Saturday, and there was a mega thunderstorm overnight. So 24 hours of reading, etc – but we braved the elements to enjoy a good meal ashore.
Come Sunday morning, we felt we needed a change of scene. The skipper, after studying the weather forecast and the chart carefully, decreed there would be a nice sheltered anchorage some 5 miles to the SE (Waypoint 8). So just before LW, we crept out and despite the boisterous W4-5 enjoyed a gentle sail under staysail alone to an anchorage at Bois de la Chaise. Around LW, the plan was good; 6 hours later, with the wind gusting NW7 and the swell finding its way around the now covered rocks, the plan was not quite so good as the boat rolled +/- 20˚. Conditions were such that a planned exped ashore and explore had to be cancelled. Ah well, that’s boating for you….but BZ to the Manson Supreme for keeping us in the intended place!
Monday morning dawned still and calm – much better! After persuading the Manson that it really was safe to now release its vice-like grip on the bottom, we enjoyed a mostly leisurely sail in a S3 towards Belle Isle. However a passing cu-nimb put the wind (and rain!) on the nose, so we decided to head for the island of Hoëdic instead. Things then picked up; the Mate studied her music theory (phot), and by teatime we’d secured to one of the mega buoys (providing for multi-boat mooring) in Port de l’Argol, Hoëdic’s charming little harbour (phot). Perfect tranquillity…..