310 miles to Easter Island

David Hersey
Tue 3 Jun 2008 14:18

26:15.268 S  103:65.065 W


2/6/08  18:00

We’re still motoring.  The only course we can sail puts us too far North. It’s clouded over again this afternoon but a few minutes ago a one metre Dorado took our line and after a bit of a fight Steve landed him and dispatched him with the same war club he bought in Vanuatu 9 years when we did the Millennium Odyssey.  Having said yesterday the fish eschewed our trailing line I shall refrain from making a comment about chewing the trailing line….


Not a lot to report, we are reading and playing computer games…I’ve just finished Isabel Allende’s “Daughter of Fortune” which is okay boat reading but somehow runs out of steam by the end. It’s nice to have a freezer full of fresh Dorado fillets.



3/6/08  07:00

The grey is back.  It gets lighter at dawn but there is not smidgeon of colour.  The motor chugs on into the South Westerly Force 5.



Demetri came on watch at 09:00 complaining about pounding into the sea and the wind promptly went South and we’re sailing again.  The sun has burned off most of the grey and it’s quite pleasant.  Yesterday’s run was 170 miles most of it under engine.  We have another 310 miles or so and it’s looking good for arrival early on Thursday the 5th.


I enclose a couple of shots of the Dorado  as well as the Sunset du Jour.

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