One Day out of Fiji

David Hersey
Thu 16 Oct 2008 15:20

20:30.704 S 175:04.010 E

16/10/08  01:30

The moon is still shining away. The wind has gone a bit more East and boat speed is down a little.  Hamish has bowed to SPINDRIFT tradition and has been horizontal in the cockpit for the last few hours.  However he hasn’t actually been ill and has just announced he feels much better  so he should be able to do his 3 to 6 AM watch.



We’ve carried on all night mostly doing over 8 knots.  We haven’t had to trim the sail since we set them.  It’s a pleasantly warm sunny day.  This point of sail is fine for sleeping so every one is getting  plenty of shut eye.  Especially Hamish. But he was awake for his watch.



Hamish is Vertical and  quite cheerful.  Our first 24 hour run was 204 miles which is a very good start.   This wind could last all the way to Norfolk Island.  Still no decent Fleet 33 signal so this will go by Iridium.