Lefkas to Paxoi but instead Syvota

39:24.63N 20:14.05E 25 May 2011 09:00 departure with a muddy rode winched onboard as we weighed anchor. No wind so motoring again. We headed south around the bottom of the island then north to a small cove on Nisos Paxio. No much of interest on the trip, just motoring. Arriving at the cove we have used before we noticed a lot of charter boats around. They seemed at first to be headed to the town quay so we entered the little cove and dropped anchor. Then they descended, an entire flotilla of charter boats. One’s worst nightmare as they fumbled all over the place and the flotilla leader barked out orders on the radio, all turned up to full volume. Up anchor before it even set and we set sails for Syvota, an anchorage north and not as good but we have used it before. Nice sail now that the winds we usable for most of the way. So we entered the anchorage and dropped anchor in deeper water than most and tried to be out of the line of fire when all the boats anchored close to shore drag because they think they are anchoring in sand instead of flat rock. Was not an issue since the winds never kicked up. Long day but easy since we knew the anchorages well. In the morning the ferries started along with a little swell so the boat was rolling around some. I thought I would work on the 24 volt alternator before Pat woke. Obviously I was wrong because before I knew it Pat was up and getting the boat ready to sail. So our stay was just a short overnight anchor. Corfu next. |