Capri departure

Pat and Bruce
Sun 2 May 2010 16:39
Since some of the best ways to see Capri are from the water we motored around the island on our way to Amalfi.  The famous Blue Grotto we chose to skip since it is really no more impressive than many other grotto's in italy but has a strong tourist publicity support.  When we actually saw it it was packed with tour boats, looking like the Gotthard tunnel on a Sunday night.
The west side of the island is steeper and has fewer places to come ashore or anchor.  There are several smaller grotto's along this coast.  There is one good anchorage if the winds are favorable and it does have a nice view of Isola Faraglioni.
We headed off to Amalfi, again under motor as the winds are not helping much in strength or direction recently.  The coastline to Amalfi is spectacular, sheer cliffs, rocky islands and small towns build up the hills.  Positano is along this stretch but it does not have a harbor providing any protection for an overnight stay.
Amalfi harbor is better than nothing but is also exposed to the southeast.  Even waves coming in from the southwest cause a bit of surge and rolling.  We had a berth at Coppola marina which at least allows the boat to face the waves.  If a berth is selected along the main quay the vessel is beam to the waves.  We watched a Swedish sailboat provide an impressive rolling demonstration.
The staff at the marina are very helpful and do their best to make the berth pleasant.
Cautionary note in Capri marina!  There must have been a USA tourist that caused this after a lawsuit.
View from our bow looking back in Capri marina
Isola Faraglioni and Pat's left knee.
Approach to Amalfi, breakwater on left.
Marina Coppola with Persevere and very rare, two other USA boats.  All retirees and enjoying the Med.  The smallest was a 27 footer with a couple that has been sailing it for most of four years.  There other a 35 year old self built cutter rig sloop originally sailed in Lake Michigan, sailed over from Florida and now working the Italian coastline.  Good times exchanging stories and advice, most of which sounded true!