Quick trip to Bozburun

36:41.20N 28:02.15E The plan was to stay for a day and then head on. The anchorage is nice with all the sounds of livestock but the weather let us know who is boss. My reading of the forecasts was that it would be a little winds later in the day. As morning came it was very nice. Most of the other boats left (including Pipedream and Three Rivers) and we were alone. Then the winds began to grow from the southeast, the absolutely wrong direction for this cove. Still we decided to have our Sunday morning breakfast omelets before we headed off. Exiting the cove the winds became 15-20 knots but this time in the correct direction for sailing. With just the headsail up we easily ran 6.5 knots with the apparent wind at 120 degrees. Gently we made the point and headed north. We gibed the headsail and picked up speed as the winds grew to 20 knots apparent. Nice run up to 9.5 knots then at the next point it just died. Nothing, sails just sitting like heavy curtains. After 20 minutes of thinking it would get better, enough and on with the engine. Half the trip under sail. Just a side track, this part of Turkey is just full of small coves, bays and islands. In the quieter summer weather many of these would be wonderful places to stop for lunch and a swim in crystal clear water with sometimes a small beach. A few places have taverns on the shore but these tend to change every year depending on their ability to make money and stay in business. Quick motor to Bozburun after the sails were dropped and the anchorage by the town. Set anchor in 10 meters of water with 30 meters of rode out. Good mud bottom. One hour later another boat decided they needed to anchor right where we were. The squeezed between us and other boat and set their anchor. Complete idiot sailing couple, surprisingly they were Brits. Not normal for them. So we lifted and moved over to another cove and anchored by ourselves. Bozburun is a wonderful little town nestled at the head of a small bay with protective little islands around. In the summer it must he jammed but now was fine. Plenty of small hotels and a large number of Gullets (local tour/overnight cruise boats that pretend to be sail boats). We actually never got off the boat here since the next morning weather again make our choice easy, leave. We were anchored nicely with the expected winds from the ENE. However with the squalls the winds were the opposite and we were now looking at the lee shore quite close. Never know where the underwater rocks lie over here so as the depth dropped to 8 meters (25 feet) from 15 meters, enough. Anchor was holding fine but the forecast was for stronger winds. Our second anchorage with the Gulets on shore. Somehow all over Turkey they know how to bring these large boats up on shore with simple equipment. Use of a tractor and a skid is common. Once on shore they prop them up with pine logs hammered up against the hull. It seems to work because I have never seen any fall over. For reference these are about 80 foot long boats. After the winds kicked in our view was of these boats from a 45 degree angle instead of the 180 now. Bozburun town from the water as we left. Sorry but it was dark and the picture is a little blurry. One of the protecting islands of the anchorage. Note the town in the background and a tiny little fort at the top of the island, slightly to the left. |