Itea to Mesolonghi

38:21.69N 21:25.04E 20 May 2011 We did not do much in Itea. Restocked on fresh food and walked around the small town again. Pat bough a can of dog food for a stray. There are many less strays in town now. Not sure how that was done but before it was ridiculous with the number. Off we went at 09:00 for Mesolonghi further west in the gulf. On the way we had to pass under the world’s longest cable stay bridge again. This time talking with the Rion Traffic Control we got permission to use the center span which is 50 meters high. Last time we had to go under the southern span which is only high enough at the end toward the center of the bridge. Our boat’s mast and antennae are 26 meters above the sea but even with 14 meters of clearance the mast always looks like it will hit the bridge as you pass under it. Once through we continued to motor with wind against us but calm waters. The marina we were headed for is located in the lowlands of Greece. The surrounding marshes have two functions today. They still have evaporation ponds for salt production and the other function is stopover for migratory waterfowl, turtle nesting and juvenile fish. The marina is next to where we anchored before. According to the website it was fully functional. Well the Greek sometimes have different definitions that the rest of the world. Yes it is there, has water and electricity, showers and toilets, but only three toilets for a hundred people? Work is progressing but at a slow Greek pace. It will be nice sometime in the future, not fine for a stopover. Many live aboards over winter here so there is a local community of boaters with a Sunday afternoon BBQ which is very nice. Run by an Aussie of course. The town is a little walk away but is interesting and has some nice supermarkets and restaurants. Heading for the bridge center span. Being passed at 16 knots by an older superyacht. Still well kept and actually registered in London, England. Heading for Sardinia. Street market in town. Flamingoes in the salt marshes. First time seeing them in a natural surrounding instead of Sea World. We had lunch here with Dick from a Mainship named Recombi-knot. He is a USA power boater doing a similar trip to us and we have crossed paths a few times over the past year. Good to meet again and exchange notes on places. The dock in front of the restaurant. We took our dingy the few miles to it along the bayou type canal while Dick rode his bike along the road for a little exercise. |