Athens compressed

Pat and Bruce
Sat 2 Oct 2010 04:23

Okay, now Greek history is very long and detailed.  Ancient Greece must not be confused with the current Greek country borders.  In ancient time Greece was where Greek was spoken by Greek people.  So Greece stretched from the Black Sea on the east, Egypt to the south, Sicily to the west and southern France to the north.  There were times of great expansion, times of being overrun in places, dark ages that lasted centuries and great periods that enabled many scholars and philosophers to flourish. Trying to put all of this into a web diary is impossible and can be better read elsewhere. 


Athens is the capital of Greece today but was not a dominant city during all of Greek history but did achieve great importance at times when it counted.  As a result many great buildings and temples were constructed in Athens.  Most were knocked down by invading people but the remains left standing show how impressive the city was during its zenith.


Today Athens is a sprawling city constructed of drab concrete apartment buildings intermixed with a few historic sites.  Traffic is a nightmare, parking is haphazard, the subway runs most of the time but during the last week they went on strike two days.  Shipping is delayed due to a truckers strike that has lasted most of the month.  Austerity programs to balance the budget, or at least try to pay off the mounting debt, are not viewed favorable.  Not that the people want handouts, its more that the prior governments spent more than they could properly support.  So now the people are wondering why are they being taxed for something the general population did not cause.


Still Athens is a active city.  Locals going about their daily business, tourist flocking through via tour bus and cruise ships, scooters weaving through traffic (crashing many times) and people talking very loud.  Seems the people of Athens like to speak loud, especially on mobile phones, talk fast and argue at any chance.  It takes a little getting used to but it’s like New York a bit.


As with many Med countries seat belts are never worn, scooter drivers have helmets but the girlfriend riding behind does not, never have seen a child seat in a car, parking is wherever the Smart car fits including crosswalks, sidewalks and entrances.  No car horns like Italy.  A bit dirty but cleaner than Naples or Palermo. Felt safe everywhere we have been.  A few street solicitors but not bad.  Nice and fast service Tavernas most places.  Cheap taxis with drivers that all have been nice and courteous.  They mostly refuse a tip beyond just rounding up to the next Euro.


Since the marina has very good service we had the oil changed, service to the engine performed, upgraded the chartplotter software and cleaned the boat.  So a week here was fully consumed with touring and maintenance.  We also needed to keep the people along the docks from coming on board to take their pictures.  Seems they feel most boats are “Open” for them to use.  Even had a small fashion shoot using the boat as a background while the “model” kept coming back in a new outfit for additional photos.  She was very disappointed when I would not let her come on board with her six inch heels!  Needless to say the gangway is raised most of the time now.


Anyway here is a quick picture tour.




Tall columns abound




Olympic history, revamped for the 2004 Olympics




Well kept Government buildings


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Parliament Building with mandatory frozen stiff guards.  Each stands for one hour and 15 minutes between changes.





Old theaters




Revamped theaters




Repairing the Acropolis, at least keeping it from falling down further




Stone statues everywhere




Action figures in bronze




Tiny statues (usually buried in the graves)








Vases.  There must be thousands in the museums.


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Finally Persevere at its berth in Marina Zeas