Some Ostia comments while we wait in Port

Pat and Bruce
Wed 14 Apr 2010 19:32
Ostia is an old settlement starting around the 7th centrury BC.  Around 212 BC it became one of the major grain ports essentially to supply the military but it developed into a more commercial enterprise.  Emperor Claudius (41-54 AD) decided to upgrade the port significantly along the Tiber river.  In 62 AD a storm came a destroyed 200 boats and 100 ships, not so good for Emperor Nero.  Emperor Trajan (98-117 AD) created a new basin.  Things went well and by 309 AD it was given a mint.  But by 312 AD Constantine closed the mint.  It was also given its first basilica, officially Christian.  From this moment on it would be the bishop of Ostia who consecrated the pope to the chair of Rome.
By the 5th century the city declined and was a not significant place, being bypassed by the Barbarian invasions.. Earlier around 190 AD the city housed 50,000 people.
Today there are still many ruins.  The Tiber river change course after the 1557 flood and is about 200 meters away from the old port.  There is remaining the old theater build by Emperor Augustus and enlarged by Commodus.  Overall there are a significant amount of ruins that take hours to tour.
Worth a internet search.