Savu Savu update

L'Esprit de la Mer
Dr Chris Bates
Thu 9 Jun 2016 22:56
16 46 69 S 179 19 99 E
A few  days to rest . The passage was strenuous although down wind .The passage through the Northern Lau certainly brough benefits . We arrived in port several hours in front of a larger yacht which left Tonga two hours ahead of us. The  lack of moon meant total blackout and was compounded by frequent squalls . Fortunately the new e charts proved spot  on using supimpoed radar to check .
Savu Savu has recovered well from the cyclone . Some of the  outer islands are still experiencing difficulties .
Penny celebrated her birthday on Wednesday and we enjoyed a tasty meal in the Captains Table restaurant at the Copra Shed after early evening drinks with port officer Frank and Jonathon and Anne from S/Y Sophia .