The Pacific is great

L'Esprit de la Mer
Dr Chris Bates
Sun 31 Mar 2013 22:19
00 12 90 S 85 49 30 W
Quiet morning.Wind fairly light so stopped head to wind for an hour and retied the reefing lines.One was crossed in the boom so the correction will make reefing much easier.This afternoon the wind has picked up and more imprtantly the current eased and moved slightly north by west.Still running at 3/4 of knt but means we clear Galapogas with plenty to spare.Making 6knt over the ground from 7knt of boat speed.leeway down to 15 degrees.Main tracked to leeward and inner jig.Surprisingly little swell but allways movement if travelling fast.I may be able to ease off a little later.
Breadmaking gets better.I´l be able to sell bread to the french in the Marquaes´s and some of the diesel which I haven´t needed so far.
So far sailing the Pacific is great.