I neer thought I'd do this
L'Esprit de la Mer
Dr Chris Bates
Sat 19 Jul 2014 06:31
This week has been calm and sunny . We hae been
anchored off Kapa island where the water is deep and blue .
I'e always enjoyed the wild life films mde by
Daid Attenborough . always with him wading through the jungle in shorts
and sandaalls . This morning we went ashore to explore and to climb the mountain
behind the illage for thie sights of hte islands .We met the illage children,
two of whom Anna and Serena both aged six offerred to guid us .We left the small
settlement and climbed through the jungle following the paths made by th e wils
pigs . Serena climbed and orange tree with the agility of a monkey to pick us
fruit . upwards we climbed for an hour missing the huge spiders nest across the
path untill we reached the summit .Then I remembered that I was doing it in
'flip flops and shorts' ; a real Attenborough experience.
Tonight the people hae lit their umu's and are
roasting a pig