Cooks Bay

L'Esprit de la Mer
Dr Chris Bates
Sat 18 May 2013 21:38
We are at anchor at the head of Cooks Bay.Perfect shelter and surrounded by Magnificent shear peaks and forest.Yesterday afternoon we walked up the valley picking our own passion fruit from the trees along the way.Capt Cook did not anchor here but like myself chose Opunohu Bay around the corner:nice to know that we mariners think alike because when we arrived Opunoha seemed to offer even more shelter.Not many boats here-in fact only six of us so very peaceful.I was told this morning that it was Saturday otherwise I would not have known.Sunday observance is very impotanr here and the shops shut Saturday midday.Forbthe first time I have internet here and could even Skype briefly yesterday.Also caught up with news such as retirements in football and the selection for the Welsh Lions tour of
Navigation here has proved fairly straightforward and the Navionics e chart very accurate.We face big seas if we go east back to Tahiti so will probably stay here and explore the island for a few days before sailing the 80nm to the leeward island.