Tongatapu - Nuku ´alofa
L'Esprit de la Mer
Dr Chris Bates
Thu 24 Oct 2013 02:11
21 08 21 S 175 19 98 W
We arrived at first light this morning . The wimnd
was much stronger than expected so for the final five hours it was sails reefed
and slow down .This is not a place to enter first time in the dark or so the
pilot said . In the event the entry was well buoyed and lit so the final six
miles over the reefs was ok .
We went ashore after breakfast and cleared with
customs . L`´Esprit is anchored just off the harbour . Then walked into town .
Bit of a dissappointment shopping wise . Little meat but plenty off fruit
. After three months without protein I was looking forward to a steak . We did
manage to buy a chicken and some beer and at last a decent bottle of wine (
first since Samoa ) Fish and chips for lunch wasn´t bad either.
We will be here for a few days to provision (ifn
that´s possible ) and to check the weather .The is to New Zealand sometime next
week .
Must mention the electronic charts which have been
spot on for accuracy Right the way through but especially in Tonga which is
renowned for shipwreck on the reefs which are everywhere . Also for the past few
weeks we have been living over active volcanoes and it is nice to be putting a
little distance .