South Paccific

L'Esprit de la Mer
Dr Chris Bates
Sun 31 Mar 2013 13:47
04 97 25 S 85 10 97 W
Crossed the Equator at 84 53 51 W at 0855hrs
Had been slowly closing for some time but because
of northerly set it took some time.
This morning blue skies and 18knt wind from
S/SE.Sailing at 7knt boatspeed and 5.8 knt overground.Close reaching to gain
southing because natural course because of currrent would take me into
Galapogas.Seen no other boats and slept well.Expect to be on this course 230T
for 299kn unless current changes direction.
The route I´m sailing is as reccommended by Cornell
and Hodgebin and would if I chose to put into Galapogas have seen me in in 6
days under sail.7 days is considered good under engine!
The temerature here is ideal;warm in the day but a
fleece is needed at night and there is a heavy dew..Tomorrow I shall be 6 hours
behind UTC and not 5 as here.
Have a good Easter Sunday