
L'Esprit de la Mer
Dr Chris Bates
Wed 1 May 2013 02:25
09 11 29 S 140 26 10 W
Perhaps I was a little hard on Fatu Hiva when first arrived.The people are very friendly and the fruit market excellent and very reasonable prices.The coastline and other anchorages superb.A liner came in yesterday and this morning the cargo ship which plies the islands every three weeks and also carries passengers.The latter seems a much better deal.
On the subject of fruit I discovered bleeding gums over the weekend.Never troubled before.All settled with 3 days of vitamin C in the form of football sized grapefruit.? scurvy?
Set sail at midday for Tahhiti.Making 5knt under headsail only.Not sailing alone since as soon as I put off another yachct followed and is 2 nm off on the port quarter.