sunday 30th April - transat St Martin Eastbound

Sun 30 Apr 2023 19:25

22:02N 59:44W 

Wind is 8 knots from E, swell 2m from the north.  Motorsailing at 5-7 knots.   Lights winds means lots of trying this and that.  I’m hoping to dodge the Azores but I’m pointing there at the moment, bit crunchy into the swell. 

This “Bue Water Sailing” malarky has changed somewhat with Starlink.  I had it for a week or so, then upgraded to some Maritime option whilst at sea. Now I feel something of a fraud writing an ocean-crossing blog yet still being able to use WhatsApp and check the weather forecast in seconds.  

All is fine, although I’m feeling somewhat shocked/appalled at things today, which is due to my binge-watching all 6 seasons of Downton Abbey on Netflix since Wednesday.  Doing the same with Sopranos was similar (possibly worse) when my first instinct with any problematic boaty item was to send a clear message to the rest of the machinery by shooting it dead.  

Does anyone bother with offshore blogs now that Starlink means I can sling it on FB and send Whatsapp messages?  I suppose so - especially those “pro” bloggers who get free stuff, but always have to be nice about everything and put in lots of pix.  Yes, alright I’ll do some pix.   

Bit lumpy now , more later.